About The Recall Campaign

The Recall Jennifer Jenkins Campaign is a non-partisan grassroots movement comprised of concerned parents and community members of Brevard County. The committee formed organically after members witnessed Jennifer Jenkins’ disregard for the law and violation of parental rights by voting to mandate masks for children while serving on the Brevard County School Board.

Our mission is simple:

To recall Brevard County School Board Member Jennifer Jenkins (District #3).


Malfeasance statement:

“As an elected member of the Brevard County School Board District #3 Jennifer Jenkins has failed to follow the law by disregarding executive order 21-175 (Ensuring Parents’ Freedom to Choose – Masks in Schools).

On 8/30/2021 she voted for a mask mandate with no parental opt-out possibility, which the Florida Board of Education has deemed non-compliant with the law.
By doing so Jennifer Jenkins demonstrated malfeasance in office by a publicly elected official.
Malfeasance is one of the grounds for recall outlined in article 100.361(2)(d)2 of the 2019 Florida Statutes regarding municipal recalls. For this reason we, the residents of District #3, are taking action to remove our representative Jennifer Jenkins.”



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Why Recall? Why Now?

According to Florida Statute 100.361 Municipal Recall – Any member of the governing body of a municipality or charter county, hereinafter referred to in this section as “municipality,” may be removed from office by the electors of the municipality.

As listed in the statute, one must have grounds for performing a recall, and one of the listed reasons includes malfeasance.

On August 30TH, Jennifer Jenkins committed malfeasance when she voted for a mask mandate in Brevard County Public Schools without a parental opt out – disregarding Governor Ron DeSantis’ Executive Order 21-175 and FDOH Emergency Rule 64DER21-12 (Providing parent’s the right to opt their children out of wearing a mask).

As an elected member of the Brevard County School Board (District #3) Jennifer Jenkins has failed to follow the law.

On October 7TH, 2021, The Florida Board of Education (FBOE) applied financial sanctions to the Brevard County School Board Members, including Jennifer Jenkins, citing that they had, “willingly and knowingly violated the rights of students and parents by denying them the option to make personal and private health care and educational decisions for their children…”

The FBOE maintained that ignoring the Governor’s Executive Order was a violation of the educational and privacy rights of students and families, as well as state law.

Florida’s Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran gave the school board a stern rebuke, “What’s so equally disturbing about these school board members’ gross violations of law, violations of law that are now receiving unprecedented and self-gratifying federal patronage from a bureaucrat in Washington, D.C., is that weeks of positivity rate data now shows no difference in districts with unlawful mask mandates versus those communities that protect parents’ rights. Forced masking is a failure and these board members have truly failed to lead and failed their oaths of office.”

Learn More About the Full Recall Process

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