The signatures must be from registered voters in District 3. This is no small task.


We will need verified and supporting volunteers to help obtain petition signatures.


We will need the funds to be able to market this effort, get out the vote, and the potential for legal fees.


In order for a recall to be successful, a petition with a total of 25,000 verified* signatures will need to be obtained in order to be able to hold a special election to remove Jennifer Jenkins from office. This is no simple task, and it will not be without obstacles. Even if we hit all of the milestones listed below, we fully expect the recall to be contested in court. However, if we are able to get the required number of signatures, there is a very good chance that our efforts could set a legal precedent on school board recalls in Florida for the future.

The recall process is very intricate and has a lot of rules. Not everything will be listed here, but we do have lawyers involved guiding us through this process to ensure that all of the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed. Below are the key rules for the recall process:

  • Petition signatures must be *verified signatures. This means that signatures can only be from those currently living in District 3 that are registered voters.
  • Petition signatures can only be harvested by *verified volunteers. This means that volunteers signing off on verified signatures must currently live in District 3 and be a registered voter.

The recall must be done in the following order:

  1. Once the recall is officially launched [Date TBA], we will have 30 days to obtain 7,500 verified signatures.
  2. The signatures will be submitted to the Brevard County Supervisor of Elections where the office will have 30 days to authenticate the signatures.
  3. Once authenticated, the committee will have an additional 60 days to harvest the remaining 17,500 signatures.
  4. If successful, Jennifer Jenkins will be notified to resign within 5 days.

At this stage, we expect Brevard County Public Schools to file an injunction against the Recall Jennifer Jenkins Campaign. Depending on the Judge, it could go one of two ways:

  1. The Judge could grant the injunction and then the recall will go into litigation indefinitely; OR
  2. The Judge could deny the injunction and the recall effort will proceed.

If the latter is the case, a special election will be held in which District 3 residents will have to physically be present at the polls and denote that they want to remove Jennifer Jenkins from office. At that point, if there are enough votes, she will be removed.

If we get this far, (and we fully intend to achieve this goal) a special election will be held to elect a new school board member, so having a candidate ready to run is going to be key.


According to Florida Statute 100.361 Municipal Recall – Any member of the governing body of a municipality or charter county, hereinafter referred to in this section as “municipality,” may be removed from office by the electors of the municipality.

As listed in the statute, one must have grounds for performing a recall, and one of the listed reasons includes malfeasance.

On August 30TH, Jennifer Jenkins committed malfeasance when she voted for a mask mandate in Brevard County Public Schools without a parental opt out – disregarding Governor Ron DeSantis’ Executive Order 21-175 and FDOH Emergency Rule 64DER21-12 (Providing parents the right to opt their children out of wearing a mask).

As an elected member of the Brevard County School Board (District #3) Jennifer Jenkins has failed to follow the law.

On October 7TH, 2021, The Florida Board of Education (FBOE) applied financial sanctions to the Brevard County School Board Members, including Jennifer Jenkins, citing that they had, “willingly and knowingly violated the rights of students and parents by denying them the option to make personal and private health care and educational decisions for their children…”

The FBOE maintained that ignoring the Governor’s Executive Order was a violation of the educational and privacy rights of students and families, as well as state law.

Florida’s Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran gave the school board a stern rebuke, “What’s so equally disturbing about these school board members’ gross violations of law, violations of law that are now receiving unprecedented and self-gratifying federal patronage from a bureaucrat in Washington, D.C., is that weeks of positivity rate data now shows no difference in districts with unlawful mask mandates versus those communities that protect parents’ rights. Forced masking is a failure and these board members have truly failed to lead and failed their oaths of office.”

are you willing to be a verified volunteer?

You must live in District 3 and be a registered voter. You will be assigned a team of volunteers to help you canvass neighborhoods and work events to harvest signatures for the petition.


You do not have to live in District 3 or be a registered voter. You will play a supportive role in helping to obtain signatures. This could be a variety of tasks and assignments to help drive signatures on the petition.


You do not have to live in District 3 or be a registered voter to give financially. This effort will need funds to be able to get the word out about this campaign. We cannot do this without you.


If you cannot volunteer or support this effort financially, but want to contribute by signing the recall petition, there will be several opportunities. You must be a registered voter currently living in District 3 to sign.