
Jennifer Jenkins’ PAC has endorsed Avanese Taylor for School Board District 4. While we’re pleased that we now have the option to recall a school board member, we would rather not resort to that. Be cautious not to be swayed by Jennifer Jenkins’ protégé


Many upset parents contacting us and sending info.
It is actually worse than we thought: The suspicious item was discovered at 10:52 as per email from principal. Two hours later she was still gleefully tweeting away.
Either she had no clue or couldn’t care less. What a leader…

A parent just alerted us about a lockdown at West Shore Jr/Sr in Melbourne due to a suspicious package. While anxious parents are desperately waiting for news, the school board member responsible for this school is busy ranting on Twitter.



She should not be talking….


Why does she equate African-American students with discipline problems?? And for some reason she lumps students of color together with kids who have a disability. Thank you for allowing for everyone to see what you really think Ms Jenkins but being Black is not a disability.
#racism #softbigotryoflowexpectations #JenkinsExposed #RecallJenkins


We are curious if this post by Mr. Weissman will get a retweet from her since she does follow him? 


We have been notified today that Ms Jenkins’ mother has passed last night. While our views may differ on many things, we would like to extend our deepest condolences to Ms Jenkins and her family. Losing a loved one is one of the hardest things in life. May Ms Jenkins’ mother rest in peace.


Turns out it’s not all bad news! The activist teacher contacted us to deliver a message.

We gladly broadcast it:


If you think that childhood indoctrination doesn’t happen in our schools, think again. These pictures were sent to us by a concerned parent. This is a BPS school in district 3.



If Mrs. Jenkins had any integrity whatsoever she would watch this interview and then apologize to the people of Brevard for playing wedge politics. We won’t hold our breath


Every so often we get fan mail that we oh so appreciate. Mrs. Jenkins’ supporters have a very unique and eloquent way of expressing themselves. 


Today a hastily thrown together anti-DeSantis event took place in Jacksonville.
“Star speaker” was VP Kamala Harris who was introduced by our school board member from district 3. From the looks of we think that Ms Jenkins was asked to do this last minute as she had to scramble to make it to the venue. We assume that a better person to give the introduction must have dropped out the very last moment. 
A lot of partisan activity for a school board member who’s position is supposed to be non-partisan.


Lately Ms Jenkins has been in full campaign mode. Most of her social media activity reflected this where she continuously attacked Sen. Rick Scott and Governor Ron DeSantis.

She obviously uses her official school board accounts to do so. 

She did give a speech at the #LeadBlue Democrat leadership convention in Miami but literally no one covered it, not even the Democratic Party of Florida. 
Should we assume that her Party is no longer backing her?
Stay tuned…

Peddling fake narratives to garner support and sympathy 😏


As an elected official to the Brevard County school board, this is exactly the language a role model for our students should use. Stay classy!


How is this post school board related? Straight from the official school board Twitter account. Ms. Jenkins is finally showing her real face #NotInItForTheKids #JenkinsExposed


Little Ms. Nobody is trying hard to stay relevant by telling Rick Scott repeatedly to “sit this one out”. Adorable! Hahahaha


The left has tied itself into such a pretzel knot where this school board member can’t even wish all Mothers a Happy Mother’s Day since it could be seen as “offensive”.


Quick update: During our last group meeting we decided to no longer post the outbursts of the school board member from district 3. While they are entertaining, all it does is giving her the attention she craves so badly. Since her theatrics are only for self-promotion we won’t be giving her a platform any longer. Currently she is completely irrelevant and we don’t foresee this changing anytime soon. If you want to see her throwing tantrums like a toddler you will either have to attend the school board meetings in person or organize a watch party with your friends (like we do) as the meetings are streamed live online. 


After asking for 3 years for a discipline audit and being sandbagged by the previous school board, now that he is chair Mr. Susin finally got it and it is not looking good, to say the least


Quick recap of the school board meeting:

Ms. You-Know-Who couldn’t control herself and after just a few minutes into the meeting sparks were flying between her and Mr. Susin. It is a shame that our tax dollars are financing such a circus. 
Speaking of circus, Mr. Paul Roub and his “lovely” wife Amy gave us a performance of their own. 

To make this evening complete interim superintendent Mr. Schiller was placed on administrative leave. 

Here is the link to the show:


We just found some fan mail in our SPAM folder. We’d like to let Kyra know that we have no hard feelings as many people were bamboozled into believing that masks work. Here is our message for her:
“Hey there Kyra! Thank you for contacting us in 2021. We just wanted to follow up and see how you’re holding up now that it has been undoubtedly proven that masks don’t work. It can’t feel great for you. We are here if you’d like to apologize” 


We were told by Ms. Jenkins herself that deleting social media content is ILLEGAL.
Obviously deleting the tweet from 8:51 and posting an identical one with an added sentence at 8:59 is surely somehow EXEMPT, riiiiiiiight?
(Twitter only allows edits for blue checkmarks)



This afternoon a school board workshop took place and once again our “favorite” school board member did not disappoint. Her rudeness, disrespect, lack of self control and complete and total ignorance when it comes to the Robert’s Rules were on full display. 
Here is a handy link for Ms. Jenkins: http://www.rulesonline.com/index.html

This lovely lady left us a voicemail a while back.

We’d like to get her up-to-speed:


On Tuesday January 24, 2023 during the school board meeting Ms. Jenkins reminded everyone that bringing up the drugging and raping of a 13 year old girl can not be talked about, even though the incident was reported to the guidance councilor and SRO of one of the schools located in her district. “Don’t use that. Don’t you dare!” were her words. 
Yet a few months back she literally read out the names of 72 murdered transexual people murdered all over the US.


We would like to wish all our supporters and members a wonderful New Year 2023 filled with happiness, health and laughter. May this be the year where we say goodbye to Ms. Jennifer Jenkins’ public life as a school board member.  


Another school board meeting, another “performance” from Ms. Jenkins. This is really getting embarrassing.


Today a special school board session took place. Could we make it mandatory for school board members to attend a course on decorum and respect for fellow collegues?


Things are not looking great for Ms. Jenkins. During the school board meeting on 12/13/2022 she did not get the support of the communities she always claims to speak for. First she got admonished by custodian Ernest Patton. 

After this things got even worse for her. Mike Mueller, a father of two children in the BPS system, brought light to Ms. Jenkins’ deceptiveness during his public comment. Please enjoy!


Today a Special session of the BPS school board took place and once again Ms. Jenkins did not disappoint. 

See for yourself here.



Our “favorite person in the world” had a complete and total meltdown during the school board meeting that took place on 11/22/2022. Jennifer Jenkins displayed incredibly unprofessional behavior during this meeting by lashing out at her colleagues, chewing gum and she was so belligerent that the chair had to cut off her microphone more than once. Such shameful behavior by an elected official for all to see. Brevard parents and taxpayers deserve better!!!
See for yourself HERE.

A particularly interesting exchange can be found at timestamp 3:55:59

Another one is at 4:08:05


Our apologies for not updating our website sooner but so much has happened behind the scenes, it was impossible to keep up. We were BUSY to say the least!

First and foremost, an enormous Thank You to everyone who has supported us so far. Without your help we would not have been able to make such drastic changes to our school board:

Chairperson Misty Belford, who voted for masking our children and tried her hardest to prevent Brevard parents and taxpayers from speaking during school board meetings, has been FIRED!!!
She lost her position on the board to Megan Wright, a wonderful person who will help bringing order to the board.
Pro-masking children Cheryl McDougall decided to retire and won’t seek reelection.
We supported school teacher and father of 5 children Gene Trent as a candidate for school board district #2 and he won!!!! He has experience and hands-on knowledge to enrich the BPS board and to help restore order and fiscal responsibility.
Another big win for Brevard was getting the Proposal #3 on the November 8th ballot which will outline a recall process of a county officer or A SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER! We are so glad Brevard voters supported having a recall option. A big Thank You to all who voted in favor.

Now that the election is over we are going to laser-focus on our main cause: Recalling Jennifer Jenkins.
Stay tuned!